January 2023 – Alabama Mises Caucus tweets out a video with “The Jew Files” title at the end  (archive

December 2023 – Rectenwald says that RFK is controlled by “The Zionists and the state of Israel”

December 2023 – Arizona Mises Caucus calls someone a “faggot”

December 2023 – Gerred Bell, Mises Caucus elected Chair of LPGeorgia, says that Christian Nationalism is “based”. (archive)

November 2023 – Gerred Bell, Mises Caucus elected Chair of LPGeorgia says that women who take plan B should be executed.(archive)

July 2023 – LNC Chair Angela McArdle says she wants to implement the LPCO GOP deal around the country.

December 2023 – LPNH says that “Obama should be sent to Gitmo immediately without a trial”

December 2023 – Arizona Mises Caucus calls someone a retard

December 2023 – Rectenwald retweets anti-Semite Peter Quinones

December 2023 – LNC Chair Angela McArdle says there should be an insurrection if the Supreme Court doesn’t take up a Trump court case

January 2023 – LNC proposes a blatant power grab to allow themselves the ability to rig the National Convention

January 2024 – LNC deletes message from LNC member Marcos Tuniewicz in which he criticizes the LNC and removes them from receiving a trust valued at $650,000

August 2023 – LNC membership connection group, a Facebook group used by past LNCs to answer questions from members is shut down by Mises Caucus leadership. (link to page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/827796397408808)

December 2023 – LPCO says “Unmitigated, unmanaged, “open border” threatens the private property rights and violates the consent of current residents.”

December 2023 – Rectenwald agrees with LPCO that “Unmitigated, unmanaged, ‘open border’ threatens the private property rights and violates the consent of current residents.” (Archive)

April 2023 – LNC Chair Angela McArdle says that RFK’s run is going to be “gonna be a great presidential race.”

David Carl Mintz – Mises Caucus Member in Michigan: